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9th Support Group Meeting

Support Group Meeting #9 was held on February 26, 2019, at 6:30PM at the University of Miami Hospital UHealth Tower, room 2026, the Board of Directors' meeting room.

This was one of our largest meetings yet and everyone there enjoyed the delicious and festive refreshments provided by Claudia Maione from Med Supply, Inc. The Miami Ostomy Aftercare Program is very appreciative of Claudia’s continued support.

The speaker, Jessica Moya, M.S., RDN/LDN, gave a power point presentation titled “Nutritional Care for Ostomates”. After explaining what a colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy were, she spoke about digestion, fiber and a Healthy and Balanced Diet.


  • Portion of large intestine is bypassed.
  • Colon is brought through abdominal wall to create stoma.
  • May be temporary or permanent.
  • Nutritional complications include constipation or blockages


  • Entire colon, rectum and anus are removed or bypassed.
  • Ileum is brought through abdominal wall to create stoma.
  • May be temporary or permanent.
  • Nutritional complications include high output, dehydration and malabsorption.

Ileoanal Reservoir/Pelvic Pouch/ J-Pouch:

  • Pelvic pouch is constructed from small intestine.
  • Pouch is attached to the anus.
  • Continent evacuation through anus


  • Bladder removed/bypassed and conduit is built from small intestine.
  • Ureters implanted into conduit which is brought through abdominal wall.

Continent Urinary Reservoir:

  • Bladder removed/bypassed and an internal reservoir is created from a section of the small and large intestine.
  • Ureters are implanted, a stoma is brought through abdominal wall and attached to catheter to empty pouch.

She explained what the nutrition should be for Ostomates the first 8-12 weeks after bowel diversion surgery and how to prevent the problems that could occur.

Her Final Key Points were…

  • Balanced nutrition is achievable
  • Nutrient-dense small, frequent meals
  • Chew foods thoroughly (mechanical digestion)
  • Keep a food diary: type of food and symptoms
  • Stay hydrated!

We thank Jessica for her knowledgeable presentation and the valuable information she gave us and for her generosity in allowing us to post her entire Power Point on our website. We look forward to inviting her back at a later date to speak to us on Hydration.

Our next support group meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 26th at the UM UHealth Tower, room 2026 at 6:30PM.